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Creating Websites

So you want to create a website? Great! This guide will show you how to get started.

The way dawdle.space works it that any thing you put in your public folder will be accessible from the internet. Upload your files there and they will be available at https://your-username.dawdle.space/filename.

If you don’t want to do any coding, there are a few tools that can help you create a website:

Static Site Generators

If you want to create a more complex website than just a few HTML files, like a blog or a portfolio, you can use a static site generator like Zola. See Creating a Website with Zola for more information.

Other static site generators you can use are Hugo, or Astro (what this site is built with). These have varying levels of complexity, so you might want to try out a few to see which one you like best.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

You might have already noticed the index.html file in your public folder. This is the default page that will be shown when you visit your site. We’ve already created a simple website for you, but you can change it however you want.

HTML is the language used to create websites. It’s a markup language, which means you use tags to create elements. For example, <h1>Hello World!</h1> will create a big heading. Here are some simple things you can try out:

To dive in deeper, we have a few resources for you: