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Uploading Files with rsync

rsync is a tool for synchronizing files between two locations. It’s pretty easy to use and does uploads and downloads very quickly (it only uploads the files that have changed).

How to upload files with rsync

To upload files with rsync, you need to have an SSH key set up. See Connecting with your Terminal using SSH for more information. For the following examples, we will assume that you have rsync installed (your dawdle.space container comes with it preinstalled) and an SSH key set up and a .ssh/config file with the following contents:

Host dawdle
    HostName dawdle.space
    User <username>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ed25519

To upload files, you can run the following command in your terminal:

$ rsync -avzP dist/ dawdle:~/public
# -a: archive mode (recursive, preserves permissions, etc.)
# -v: verbose (show what is being uploaded)
# -z: compress files during transfer
# -P: show progress

This will upload the contents of the dist folder to your public folder on dawdle.space. You can replace dist/ with the path to any folder on your computer.

For dawdle.space itself we use a script with a similar command to deploy the site:


#!/usr/bin/env bash

bun run build
rsync -avzP dist/ dawdle:~/sites/dawdle.space

And to deploy it, we run ./deploy.sh in our terminal and changes are live within seconds.